HEIBRiDS mid-term evaluation

Credit: Felix Noak

HEIBRiDS mid-term evaluation on 13-14 October, 2022

HEIBRiDS underwent a successful mid-term evaluation on 13-14 October, 2022. The feedback from the review panel was that HEIBRiDS has been true to its mission of educating young researchers on the interface of data science and domain expertise. The continuation of the school was strongly recommended and the full review report was submitted to the MDC, the coordinating Helmholtz center, in February.

As highlighted in the excecutive summary of the report: "The evaluation showed that HEIBRiDS is well on track with regard to its major goals and that the school will have significant impact for the future. HEIBRiDS synergetically connects multiple research fields as a cross-sectional topic and promotes the exchange of technology and expertise. Some of the projects are true “game changers” in their domains. The results of the PhD projects will bring substantial advances to the respective fields in the future."